And you're just staring at the computer screen like:
Seriously, who can keep that stuff straight? Nevertheless, if you're studying pediatrics, you will need to know some version of this, so, I'll attempt to boil down chapters 3-7 of the ATI Nursing Care of Children edition 9 so that you don't have to. Disclaimer: these are only the non-obvious facts. So, "duh" facts like "plastic bags pose a suffocation risk," aren't included.
-Posterior fontanels close at 6-8 weeks (the way I remember this is: since the baby lays on its back, it needs to close the posterior fontanels first).
-Anterior fontanels close at 12-18 mos.
-Weight: birth weight doubles by 6 mos, tripled by 12 mos.
-Teeth: 6-8 teeth normally come in around 6-10 months, and definitely before 1 year.
1 mos: Head lag. Grasp reflex.
2 mos: Still has head lag. Lifts head in prone position. Holds hand opened.
3 mos: Slight head lag. Can raise shoulders up in prone position. Loses grasp reflex.
4 mos: Rolls from back to side. Puts things in mouth. *Discovers that thumb sucking is pleasurable.
5 mos: Rolls from prone to supine. Palmar grasp. (Note grasp reflex looks like palmar grasp, but one is a reflex. The other is a conscious choice.)
6 mos: Rolls rom supine to prone. Holds bottle.
7 mos: Stands with support. Moves object from hand to hand.
8 mos: Sits unsupported. Beginnings of pincer grasp.
9 mos: Pulls self to standing. Crawling. Coarse pincer grasp.
10 mos: Independently changes from prone to sitting. Can grasp thin objects, like a rattle.
11 mos: Walks with help. Can place objects in container. Refined pincer grasp.
12 mos: Independent sit to stand and vice versa. Tries to build a two-block tower without success.
COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT: Piaget-Sensorimotor (birth-24 mos)
-reflexes mature into intentional imitative activities
-separation from others
-object permanence (9 mos)
-recognizes symbols
-Discovers that people respond to smiling, cooing, crying.
-Turns head to aural stimuli.
-Pronounces single-syllable words, up to 3 word phrases made up of 5 word vocabulary.
-Understands "no" by 12 months.
PSYCHOSOCIAL: Erikson-Trust vs Mistrust (0-12 mos)
-Trust if needs are met, mistrust if need are inconsistently or inadequately met, OR if needs are continuously med BEFORE being vocalized by the infant. (Capable of learning delayed gratification.)
-Attachment/bonding (Reactive attachment disorder results from maladaptive or absent attachment between the infant and a caregiver, like if the child undergoes a long-term hospitalization.)
-Separation anxiety 4-8 mos.
-Stranger fear 6-8 mos.
Short attention spans, solitary play, activates senses--rattles, pat-a-cake, balls, reading very short books, mirrors, playing blocks, brightly colored toys.
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-Breast feeding provides complete diet up to 6 months, and continues to supplement through 12 mos. Supply iron if breastfeeding.
-Give vit D starting at birth.
-Solids are introduced around 4-6 months IF there is control of head and neck, disappearance of extrusion, and interest in solid foods. Appropriate to switch to table foods at 9 months. Examples are: bananas, toast, graham crackers, cheese cubes, noodles, peeled chunks of apples, pears, or peaches.
-DO NOT GIVE citrus, meat, or eggs until after 6 mos.
-Bedtime feedings are the last to be stopped.
-Sleep 14-15 hours a day with 9-11 of it at night. Pattern is established by 3-4 mos.
-Sleeps throughout the night, and takes 1-2 naps daily by 12 mos.
-Cribs: slats should be no more than 6 cm apart (2.375 inches). Remove mobiles by 4-5 mos.
-Temp set at maximum of 49C (or 120F).
-REAR facing until 2 y-o or surpassing height requirement.
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